Creative Partnership



in the picture: Staff members of the Weizmann Institute













Every day, Weizmann Institute scientists take off for parts unknown on fascinating journeys to realms still undiscovered. Their "flag-ship" is the lab, and its most outstanding feature is the constant renewal that propels it forward. To conduct research no one has done before, to make new discoveries, requires an unending supply of new research tools, new services and creative yet effective solutions.

Illustration: Creative Partnership

This is where the technical/administrative staff of the Weizmann Institute enters the picture. Engineers, carpenters, toolmakers, accountants, human resource experts, pro-curement personnel, maintenance and other administrative employees – all work toward a single goal: creating a supportive environment for the scientists that enables them to focus exclusively on their mission to broaden humanity's collective knowledge. It's a demanding job, requiring them to absorb new topics almost daily – in addition to having high motivation and a large measure of creativity and inventiveness. In this sense, Institute staff members epitomize a unique spirit of employee participation in the workplace.

The Institute staff, as compared to employees of many other institutions, is like a jazz band as compared to a symphony orchestra. Rather than playing the notes as they have been handed down, jazz musicians are constantly recreating the notes they produce to fit changing moods and venues. The staff members' innovative solutions to the evolving needs of the scientists make them true partners in the drama of scientific discovery and invention.

