On Campus



Top (l-r): Victor Ben-Sahal , Nissim Attias, Amir Argi, Moshe Algrabli, Moty Levy. Middle: Yuval Yurman, Rachel Kraus. Bottom: Oudi Zohar


Since its establishment, the Weizmann Institute of Science has been characterized by a fruitful synergy between its scientific leadership and the administration. Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Meyer Weisgal understood that by assuring the highest quality technical and administrative services, the Institute would free its scientists to focus exclusively on their research - a vital factor in encouraging scientific excellence.


From the two small buildings planted in the sand dunes of Rehovot in 1934 and staffed by a handful of scientists, the Weizmann Institute has blossomed into one of the top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions in the world. Some 2,500 scientists, engineers, lab technicians and students, as well as administrative and technical services personnel are employed by the Institute. Most employees remain for long periods, a minority are new arrivals. For all of them to be partners in the full sense of the word, in line with the original vision of Weizmann and Weisgal, the Institute leadership recently made a strategic decision: to form and train the management backbone of the Institute, helping it to reach the highest professional and ethical standards.
This goal entails an ongoing process of employee education and training, which started this year, following a plan put together by a think-team of employees and managers. The program will extend to all administrative bodies in the Institute, even those known for their excellence to date, such as the Administration and Transportation Services unit, headed by Yuval Yurman, and the Institute's Postal Service, headed by Nissim Attias. These employees have been at the Institute for years and wholeheartedly embrace its goals and values.


The vision of “administrative excellence in the service of scientific excellence” will be further realized when every single manager and employee pursues such values as personal commitment, responsibility, professionalism, team work and service. The payoff will be an improvement in the quality of life of all employees - administrative and scientific - and of course, more effective support for Institute research.





