


During the academic year 2011/2012 over 1,000 Weizmann Institute research projects won grants totaling over $81 million.
Sources of approved funding for research grants were geographically distributed among: Israel (nearly $30 million), Europe (nearly $40 million), the USA (nearly $10 million), and binational and international sources (nearly $4 million). The Institute’s success rate in obtaining grants from the ERC, at 33%, is especially outstanding when compared to the Israeli average of 17% and the European average of around 10%. The Institute’s success rate for Israel Science Foundation grants has averaged nearly 70% for the past few years – around double the national average of about 35%. The top sources providing external research grant support to Weizmann researchers were the European Union Framework Programme, the Israel Science Foundation, research programs originating with the German government and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), and research support programs of the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology.
