Summary of Operating Results



2010 / 2011


The operating expenditures of the Weizmann Institute of Science as of September 30 2011 stands at NIS 1.004 billion. The lion’s share of this sum goes to pay salaries and related expenses. Additional funds go to the financing of scientific activities – including the acquisition of advanced scientific equipment, broad investment in core infrastructure and the development of unique research tools – as well as scholarships for students, who are the backbone of today’s scientific activity, and improvements in the resources available to them.


Expenditures                                           NIS (in millions)

Salaries and related expenses


Scientific departments, scholarships and research


Infrastructure and maintenance




Total Operating Expenditures


All figures are given in millions of New Israeli Shekels (NIS)

as of September 30, 2011. The exchange rate at that time

stood at NIS 3.712 to 1 U.S. dollar.


The Institute’s main sources of income are direct support from the government of Israel, research grants from Israeli and foreign bodies, revenue from the commercialization of intellectual property, and donations, legacies and returns from the Institute’s growing endowment. The Institute has a long tradition of responsible management – which maintains the expenditures within the approved budget.


Weizmann Institute scientists have been very successful in obtaining competitive research grants from external agencies and these greatly contribute to covering the cost of scientific research. Especially outstanding are the grants we have received from various EU sources.


Recent years have seen a modest increase in the support the Weizmann Institute receives from the government of Israel through the Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC). Due to a concurrent rise in the Institute’s budget, the relative weight of the governmental contribution has actually declined slightly.

 Israeli governmental appropriation to the institute
