Research by Dr. Barak Dayan, Department of Chemical Physics
Weizmann Institute of Science
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Quantum Computing
Dr. Roee Ozeri and his team in the Physics Faculty at the Weizmann Institute of Science are trying to create quantum mechanical systems that they can control, so they can study how they behave. If they ever manage to build a quantum computer, it will, among other things, be able to crack the most sophisticated encryption codes used today.
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Crash - The Race for the Higgs Boson
The Standard Model is the best theory we have today to describe the structure of all the material in the universe. Failure to find the missing piece, a miniscule particle called the Higgs particle, could oblige scientists to rethink the standard model from scratch. Find out how scientists from all over the world are using CERN's Large Hadron Collider - the largest particle accelerator ever built, near Geneva, in an attempt to find the missing particle.
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Touching Something No One Found
Starring The Physics Faculty of the Weizmann Institute of Science & TYP - Ivri Lider and Johny Goldstein
עברי לידר עם פיסיקאים ממכון ויצמן למדע -- מנסים להבין את העולם (צולם והופק לרגל מפגש בוגרי
הפקולטה לפיסיקה של מכון ויצמן למדע, 2012)
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How do Lasers Trap Atoms in the Dark?
Find out with Prof. Nir Davidson of the Weizmann Institute of Science
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Electrons Speeding to World Record
In the global rush to improve semiconductor performance, the Weizmann Institute Submicron Research Center has set a world record for the purest and fastest gallium arsenide crystal ever created.
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Journey to the Center of the Sun
An international group, including a team of Israeli scientists led by Prof. Israel Dostrovsky of the Weizmann Institute, has constructed an enormous experiment called Gallex, in efforts to detect elsuive neutrino particles coming from the sun and confirm the mechanims of solar energy production.
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Find out how trains are able to "hover" over tracks and how magnets levitate, as demonstrated by Prof. Eli Zeldov of the Weizmann Institute of Science, who developed a special technique that is able to visualize magnetic fields of superconductors to further understand their unusual properties.
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